Welcome to Eastlake Park's Own Black & Worker-Owned Bookstore! YOUR LOCAL DOWNTOWN PHOENIX COMMUNITY HUB!
Look for a Book Title in the 'Search'box or Check Out Our 'CATALOG' and Book Collections for Hot Topics and Must Reads!
Here We Grow!!
Grassrootz is GROWING and we need your help. There are a lot of changes that we want to meet the needs of our community and the rapidly developing area around our store. We have launched a fundraising campaign to help us in this effort. We appreciate any support that you are willing to give. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE.

Hip-Hop: A Cultural Odyssey (Fundraiser Donation)

Gene Parrish Tribute
Mr. Parrish was a loved and respected Counselor and to honor him his son Jamar Parish aspires to keep his fathers legacy going even after his transition.
All the books in this collection are to honor his wishes with the hopes of influencing someone else's life.
Gene Parrish Tribute Collection( Rest In Power)
Upcoming Events!
Check Out Our Events Page to See What's Happening at Grassrootz! Opportunities for Vendors & Events For the Community!

Check out this interview with the team to learn more about Grassrootz and our mission and vision as we continue to BUILD, COLLABORATE, AND GROW in downtown Phoenix.
Share the Knowledge!
We want to expand our book collections to enhance your reading experiences and knowledge! If you have book title or author suggestions, feel free to send us a message in our 'Contact Us' tab!

Looking For More Titles?
Try searching for titles we don't have in store on our partner site! Purchases support our business efforts!
Audiobooks Now Available!
You can now get your audiobooks from our partner site Libro.fm! Purchases support our business efforts!

We Accept Book Donations!
Books of all kinds and conditions are welcomed! Donation drop-offs available any time during store hours. Receive 10% discount on a store purchase in exchange! Large donations, please inquire prior to dropping off.
Grassrootz Bookstore
1145 E Washington St #200
Phoenix, AZ 85034
Tuesday ~ Saturday 12PM - 6PM
Sunday ~ 12PM - 5PM