Dusé Mohamed Ali (Bey Effendi), (21 November 1866 - 25 June 1945) (دوسي محمد علي), was an African nationalist. Note* Bey (Moorish:Used by the Moors بك, Beg, Beğ) is a title for chieftain/ Moorish Chief, traditionally applied to the leaders of small tribal groups. (See Almohades and Almoravides) The word “Bey” means “Rabb” (Arabic) or Lord. Beys ruled provinces which were called “beyliks”. Ali was also an actor, historian, journalist, editor, lecturer, traveller, publisher, and founder of the Comet Press Ltd, and The Comet newspaper in Nigeria. Duse Ali’s Early life He was born in Alexandria, Egypt (Kemet). His father, Abdul Salim Ali, was an Officer in the Egyptian Army and died in active service at the battle of Tel-el-Kiber Egypt, in the year 1882. His mother was Sudanese.